1. Phenomenon
Ghost also known as souls, some people believe that after death the soul leaves the body.
The existence of ghosts is generally believed that belong to the religion described in the areas of reincarnation. There were former generations. The physical person dies, the soul is immortal, it will be the existence of ghosts, and this will be the reincarnation of the soul. With modern science and human progress, some of the reincarnation of the phenomenon has been scientifically proven.
According to news reports, scientists using Electronic Voice (EVP), to make use of modern electronic equipment and static noise, you can receive a message at the ghost.
2. Problems or question
Do ghosts really exist in the world?
Why would people be afraid of ghosts?
Why do we hear the ghost stories will be afraid to cover our ears?
3. Approach or how you do it
I will go to second-hand bookstore reading books to find information.
From the news, magazines and the Internet search information on the ghost and answer my question.
4. The aim of the thesis
I would like to satisfy my own curiosity.
To let everyone puzzled to find all the answers, this is the purpose of my thesis.
5. Significant or your expectation
I hope that I can explore the issues and find out the answer
In addition, in this paper I want to learn how to find the information, sorting and filtering information quickly.